There were at least 1,500 people in the room during the festivities that ranged from a cocktail hour with temporary tattoos, a photo booth, full bar, and amazing conversation with peers. I found a few of my co-workers from school there and connected with other MfA Fellows and their guests. The dinner was quite tasty and they even had enough substantial gluten-free options for my wife (this is always an issue at parties like this). Even though I wore one of my suits, arguably it was a fancier affair in which tuxedos were sometimes worn. I'll have to up my game for next year.
There were a few references to attempts made to influence national politics as it relates to the teaching profession as well as the pride they have at the New York State Master Teacher program that mimics MfA's style.
Overall it was an incredible night and I can't wait to take part in my classes this winter!