In my opinion, one of the worst things that can happen in a school is the idea of grade inflation, where scores and marks are given and not earned. Despite what is sometimes reported as stricter standards for programs like Credit Recovery (earning class credit for fewer seat-hours and usually less-rigorous work), there are many ways for students to earn credit without having to be in the classroom. On page 37 of this academic policy document it outlines the procedures for using "Targeted Credit Recovery" with many guidelines for use by senior students and their teachers. It requires a certain number of hours (sometimes) of work as well as delineating when this credit recovery should take place and some of the form it should take. One of the limitations that is not always obvious is a student can not earn more than 3 credits in this manner. So students who have performed at such low levels consistently will need alternate methods in order to get their diploma.
We have only three more weeks in the semester before grades are due and credits are awarded. I am hopeful that I have prepared my students in such a way that they understand the grades they will be earning and do not externalize the reason for them. I will do my best to connect with students in need over the coming week to make sure they are prepared and know what is coming up. Good luck to all teachers in this final push for academic focus.