But what exactly is the effect on the school system as a whole? There are a lot of folks who say that schools will be better if unions are busted and removed from their positions of power. Unfortunately, teacher vacancies are still extremely high and it has had a severe impact on the student population. So much so that the SRC is offering a bridge program for incoming 9th graders who didn't get the support they needed from 8th grade teachers since they weren't certified!
Additionally, there is the enormous problem of substitute teachers. Last year there was an ongoing battle with the company Source4Teachers who was contracted by the SRC to provide replacements when certified teachers were sick (or if there was no certified teacher). While they claimed they would have very high fill rates (80%+) in the end they never breached more than half. Now the SRC has contracted with another company, Kelly Services, to do the same job while paying the same rate as when the District ran substitutes themselves.
There is obviously too much tumult in Philadelphia right now to be a high quality teacher. As much as it pains me to say it, if you are reading this and considering working in Philadelphia schools, you probably shouldn't. Not only is your salary going to go nowhere fast but the SRC is also going to be reconstituted with two new members, adding to the turmoil. Stay away for now.