These two sides have been butting heads for years now with research from people like the National Sleep Foundation on one side and the critics on the other pointing out the detrimental effects to non-school aged society. The usual complaints regarding this time change involve the following:
- Rush hour: there would be more traffic congestion as all students would be attempting to go to school at the same time people are going to work.
- Extracurricular activities: it would be difficult to run these programs as students who need to commute long distances would be going home when it was dark outside.
On the other side, there are scores of articles describing the potential benefits of later start times in schools. Minneapolis, Minnesota piloted this idea with two school districts and found improvement in many categories with regards to their student population. As a nation we should really think deeper on what we care about: the externalities to traffic congestion or the future of our students? I vote the latter.