To: School Reform Commission
440 North Broad Street
Philadelphia, PA 19130
May 4, 2012
Dear members of the School Reform Commission,
Today teachers across the District received confirmation that the original plan to end the fourth grading cycle on June 14th had been reinstated. As an outsider to the decision-making going on in the downtown offices I am unsure whether my previous letter connecting an exact financial amount to six days of school had any effect - but I hope it inspired others to make noise. After all, the “squeaky wheel gets the grease.”
It is for that reason that I am write today in order to try to make Philadelphia residents and officials squeak loud enough for Harrisburg to hear: we need our money back. Governor Corbett has slashed education funding so such an extent that the finances of the School District of Philadelphia is in shambles. Understanding that mismanagement of funds has also been a culprit of the current budget crisis, our schools are in desperate need of the money that has been removed.
Thomas Knudsen urges us to “live within our means.” At this point, our “means” do not mean enough: in order to fulfill the state requirement to educate our children, we need more than we have.
As the School Reform Commission you are the lifeline between the School District of Philadelphia and the government. It is your job to ensure that our schools open in the Fall of 2012. I urge you to talk to Governor Corbett and get this money back. Make him hear our squeaks of noise before we squeal under pressure.
Thank you,
Brian Cohen
One Letter Per Day Campaign