I first crafted a student anecdote system on Google Docs a few years ago when I was at West Philadelphia HS, only to realize the power of Microsoft SharePoint to make a database when I was transferred to School of the Future. Since then I brought the system to the Academy at Palumbo and have received only positive responses.
The basic idea is this: teacher's time is precious and student's time even more so. Whenever a teacher has a negative or positive interaction with a student, they can take 20 seconds of their day and input information onto the Learner Log. Other teachers can do the same so after a certain amount of time you have a record of various interactions with a student. If there is a pattern of disruption noticed or many teachers have tried to call home but to no avail, this system collates that information and allows you to learn more it.
When I first heard of RtII I was concerned that it would be too bulky and not user friendly - after three months of attempted uses, I think I am correct. I really wish the School District would pay more attention to what teachers are doing on the classroom-level and discuss with us how these systems work (or don't). If they did, maybe we would offer more streamlined approaches to these issues.